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Landon's First Taekwon-Do Lesson


Landon's First Taekwon-Do Lesson, is a proudly 2019 International Book Award Finalist in the Children - Action Category.


Landon is a brave, intelligent and athletic three year-old-boy; who like many other children, enjoys learning and trying new things. He took an interest in martial arts, and he shares his story about what life lessons he has learned during his first training session.


This story focuses on fitness and self-defense; and the importance of respect and love to oneself, his parents and friends.

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Our Bedtime Routine​


This children’s book that is all about bedtime routines. A young boy named Landon narrates the story, and shares with readers what he and his 18-month-old baby sister, Leah, do every night before bed.


Landon shares the six things in his bedtime routine, and asks the readers related questions about their own bedtime routines. 


This story focuses on creating positive bedtime habits. The importance of reading and learning, cleanliness, brushing teeth, and the love and support they have from their parents.

Coming Soon...
Our Trip to the Zoo​


Our Trip to the Zoo, is a proudly Book Excellence Award Finalist.


This is an educational, beautiful and colorful story about a little boy and his dad visiting the zoo. They see 10 different animals and Landon shares his excitement and description with our young readers.


Want to know what they are? Want to know what Landon saw at the zoo? Come and follow our story to see these 10 cool animals. let's count to 10 together...

Bunk the Chipmunk's Quarantine Story


Bunk the Chipmunk’s Quarantine Story is a children’s poem that tells the story of a friendly chipmunk quarantined at home during the current pandemic, and gives advice on how to navigate this quarantine successfully to be happy, do well in school, and find happiness even during this stressful and confusing time.


This is a beautiful poem for younger children. With its short and rhyming cadence, it can be easily followed by your child.

Press Release

Our Unforgettable Halloween


It's Halloween, and Landon and Leah couldn't be more excited. They devise a plan as a family, to give trick-or-treaters both a trick and a treat. Like a well-oiled up machine, they work together to give their friends and neighbors a good scare.


With a series of clever tricks and impeccable teamwork, the family gives trick-or-treaters a unique, haunted mansion experience. So, come and join them on this spooky and exciting adventure. Halloween can't come soon enough!


Our Unforgettable Halloween is a poem which tells the story of Landon, Leah, and their family as they decide to create a fun haunted house to celebrate Halloween. Each trick-or-treater who comes to their house is entertained with a fun and slightly scary show before they reach their end destination – Halloween candy.


The Haunted House is just scary enough to enthrall its visitors, but not so scary that the trick-or-treaters run away in fear.


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